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Art for Sale

Carey Chen was born in California but grew up in Jamaica until he was eighteen. He never set foot in an art school and has never taken a formal lesson, but he is regarded as one of the world's most renowned marine artists.

With a near-photographic memory and a lifetime on the ocean attending fishing tournaments all over the world, Carey has an endless catalog of unique marine images stored in his head.

Carey’s work has appeared on the covers of more than 400 magazines and his knack for capturing detail and his use of color, depth, and light have brought him to the forefront of the marine art industry.

Select pieces of Carey’s original art are on display and available for purchase in the restaurant, in addition,  a series of select canvas prints that are hanging in the restaurant can be purchased in varying sizes (see below).

Carey is a regular visitor to the restaurant and on certain occasions, he can be seen signing and personalizing prints for customers.
